Reasons why Arranged Marriages lasts longer than Love Marriages

Whether a marriage is arranged or founded out of love doesn’t always dictate how long it…

Marriage of Two Cultures

The term “marriage of two cultures” describes a partnership between people with various cultural traditions. It…

Scalp Hypothermia to Reduce Hair Loss

I am going to speak today about hypothermia, a treatment that is being utilized effectively to…

Eat Or Not Eat? Weight Loss you need intermittent

Before marriage, most of couples want to lose weight and turn to do exercise and diet…

Harmony – In Sense of Love

Harmony is the ability to feel equal to others. To warn that the people around us…

Marriage Advice – A wish to hear

Marriage can sometimes be a difficult thing and both spouses must work on it with equal…

10 signs you’re ready to get married

There are signs that a man transmits when he has finally found some mental clarity in…


“Love is the only sound and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.” – Erich Fromm…

Things a woman will not tolerate in a relationship

She will not tolerate disrespect in any form, even if it is shown in relation to…

Woman self respect quotes

7 things woman self-respect will not tolerate in a relationship She will not tolerate disrespect in…