Harmony is the ability to feel equal to others. To warn that the people around us are human beings like us, who experience emotions and have needs like ours. Harmony is the natural ability to put ourselves in the other’s shoes.
There are (many) people who do not have the ability to empathize more than a color-blind living soul can distinguish red from green.
The opposite of harmony is selfishness. The selfish is an island in a sea of strangers. The egoist feels he is in credit to other human beings and is not uncomfortable in causing harm to others unless he risks being discovered and having to pay the price.
Everyone is human, wrong, and repentant, but the egoist regrets having been caught out, not having acted “against”. If I steal the wallet from another living soul, I show that I am not capable of harmony, because my gesture does not cause me the discomfort that I would feel if the wallet had stolen it from me.
If I am unfaithful to my soulmate, I cannot imagine how I would feel if he had betrayed me.
Harmony is the most important gift to look for in the living soul with whom we want to share life, even more than attraction, passion, and understanding because true emotion is feeling.
“Love is this thing, easy: make happy who you love” (Diego De Silva)
On declaring: “I love you”, on the word love, there is a misunderstanding. Because people say “I love you” but they think ” love me !”. They say “I love you” but they think “give me your love, your attention, give me yourself”.
While emotion should be declared through giving, it instead becomes a claim to have.
It is therefore easy to make people believe they love on a sunny day, but often there is little available when it rains. Selfishness is one of the reasons why couples (married or not) do not last: because of spouses emotion themselves more than their soulmate. Egoist makes you suffer.
To make people suffer from emotion is a contradiction. Can he think of loving those who make the beloved suffer? How can one even go so far as to kill for emotion?
Someone said: If you are not sure if you don’t feel up to it if you don’t feel it, don’t say “I love you”. The other living soul may believe it. Instead, say “I like you. ” Say “I wish you. ” Because love is giving, not demanding.
Emotion creates a natural state of human beings: that of creating a couple. Man makes (or made) a couple for life, within society, to face it in two, for better or for worse. Emotion is more stable, mature, and definitive than falling in love, which precedes it and is instead passion and desire.
To love you learn, from childhood, and to love you teach. The soulmate who does not understand the need of the other, his need for help, who is unable to forgive, is not feeling with the beloved and does not really fondness him.
There is another phrase, meaningful and beautiful, I read on a wall (I have not identified the author, but I found that it is quite well known):
“We are people
we make mistakes, we apologize
give a second chance
we we embrace us
we love ”
This is harmony.
It would take a test, a blood test, capable of predicting whether the other will still love us when we need it. Let us know if the living soul will love us when they show us.
Therefore love must be helped, it must not be taken for granted; it must be carefully cultivated as a delicate garden. The soulmate must always be courted, even after years. We must never stop being grateful to him and make him feel it (because nobody is telepathic).
A wedding where one does not speak to one another and does not listen to one another is a plant without sap. A companion ignored as if it were a piece of furniture at home, a bad day may no longer be there.
How beautiful are couples who love each other? And how much squalor, how much pain and how many perspectives of disappointment and loneliness open up before a couple who separates?
But if love can end, harmony does not. I will not treat my companion whom I no longer love with contempt, and suffer from his suffering. I will not treat him with the impatience of an object to get rid of quickly in the bulky waste bin.
And knowing how to distinguish the love that is finished from that which has waned out of habit, can make the difference for our future happiness because we can work to reinvigorate or transform it. Life is short and the opportunities are less than we rely on.
How does life change to cross life with an empathic or selfish companion (soulmate, buddy, friend …)?
The first will accompany us, help us, make us happy. The latter will sooner or later prove to be an enemy, like a bride before the judge on the divorce day.